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Stony Brook University

Preservation Department

Home site for the Stony Brook University Libraries Preservation Department, our mission, our roles, our services offered, etc.

Contact Information

Arielle Hessler

Preservation Technician/Bookbinder



Basic Preservation Tutorials

These tutorials are from the "Archives on a Shoestring" workshop series the Preservation Department is presenting for LILRC's Conservation and Preservation Committee. Tutorials are available by technique, and the full presentations are available below.

General Tutorials:

Music Preservation Tutorials

Tutorials concerning how the Stony Brook University Libraries preserves music scores for extended shelf life and use based on content and physical format.

Full Presentations:

Archives on a Shoestring Series

Introductory workshops with general information on preservation principles, tools, and best practice, as well as an introduction to many preservation techniques. 

How to Make a Chapbook Workshop 

A chapbook is a small collection of poetry, generally no more than 40 pages, that often centers on a specific theme. Sold by peddlers in 19th century Europe, these books were illustrated with crude woodcuts, which sometimes bore no relation to the text. A chapbook is typically saddle-stitched (like a pamphlet or magazine) and usually printed on a single sheet of folded paper.