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The Preservation Department is dedicated to ensuring the longevity of the materials and collections within Stony Brook University Libraries’ care, and is an active and regular collaborator with both library and campus community members to further this effort. To meet this important need, the department has expanded its traditional preservation activities to include both traditional (analog) preservation of library and archival materials, and digital preservation of electronic media and encoded information. This dual approach to the preservation of materials and reformatting efforts allows the department to address specific research or learning needs while taking into account the unique nature of the items or works themselves. This ensures that the greatest possible access to materials is possible without damage to the valuable originals. This approach, and the associated efforts it involves, has allowed the Preservation Department and the University Libraries to ensure that unique collections and other items of enduring value are preserved for future generations of use, while at the same time addressing the evolving technological nature and need for access to primary source materials as is needed at a major research university.
Library Administration: 631.632.7100
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