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Stony Brook University

The Antonija Prelec Memorial Lecture: Grants

Jelka Petrak

Visting Librarian Program

   In addition to funding the Annual Memorial Lecture Series, the Fund provides support for: 1) visits by librarians from medical libraries in the U.S. and abroad to study library operations at the HSC Library and to exchange ideas on medical librarianship with their counterparts; and 2) HSC librarians to attend professional library conferences at which they are scheduled to present a paper in the field of library and information science. Applications for the Visiting Librarian Program and for the HSC Librarians program should be submitted to the Antonjija Prelec Memorial Fund Committee for consideration. 

    The Visiting Librarian Program provided support for a two-week tenure at the HSC Library in June 2001 for Ms. Jelka Petrak, Director of the Medical Library at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. During her stay, Ms. Petrak discussed the functioning of her medical library and observed various Departments of the HSC library. She also visited medical libraries at Yale, and Columbia. Her visit to SUNY Stony Brook was instrumental in establishing an important research collaboration between The University of Zagreb and the University at Stony Brook in the area of public health. Her experience was published in the Newsletter (No.56, p.20, August 2001) of The European Association for Health Information and Libraries.

    In 2003, Guillaume Van Moorsel of the HSC library received the Antonija Prelec Educational Award to attend a conference titled “Collaborations, Partnerships, and Solutions: The QuintEssential Conference”) where he gave a poster presentation entitled “Establishing the Center for Healthcare Informatics Education: Mission Evolution of the Academic Health Sciences Library.”

    In 2004, Michael Huang of the HSC Library received the Antonija Prelec Educational Award to attend the Second Shanghai International Library Forum in the Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China. The theme of the forum was “City Development and Library Services”, and its sub-themes included life long education, reference service, digital library and digital city, and knowledge management. His papers ("Effective Communications between the Information Technology Department and Librarians" and "The Library in Digital Beijing") were published in “City Development and Library Services - Proceedings of the Second Shanghai International Library Forum.”