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Stony Brook University

The Antonija Prelec Memorial Lecture: Donors

Prelec Memorial Fund Donors

The Prelec Memorial Fund was made possible by the generosity of Antonija Prelec's family and friends:


Wadie and Maureen Bahou Lorne and Nancy Mendell
Helen Buteau Frederick Miller
Richard Clark Otto Harrassowitz, KG
Barry S. Coller Jeanne Pandolfo
Thomas Cottrell Silvana Penavic
Roger and Uta Dee Krsto Prelec and the Prelec Family
Betty and George Emilio Edward and Eileen Reich
Janet E. Fischel and Grover J. Whitehurst Leon and Beverly Sokoloff
Arthur Grollman Jack Stern
Gail S. and Ernst, Jr. Habicht Stony Brook University Health Sciences Center
Leslie Hyman Stony Brook University Hospital Auxiliary
Julitta Jo Lorne and Ettie Taichman
Gary and M. Cristina Leske Peter C. Williams
John and Carol Marburger Jane Yahil
Esther Marcus Anonymous



Tax-deductible contributions to the Antonija Prelec Memorial Fund are welcome. Please send your check or money order, payable to the Prelec Memorial Fund, HSC, Level 3, room 142, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8034. If you prefer to make your contribution by credit card, please call the HSC Library’s Administration Office at (631) 444-3100. You will receive further information over the phone how this can be done.