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Stony Brook University


Contains resources for maps and geospatial research and instruction

Introduction to Aerial Photography Resources

The Melville Library houses an extensive collection of aerial photographs of Nassau and Suffolk counties. Coverage is also available for New York City and the rest of New York State and, to a lesser degree, for New Jersey and the rest of the country. Aerial photographs for other areas can also be found in soil surveys and on the Internet.

Long Island Aerials
Many of our Long Island Aerial photographs are available online and can be accessed through our Digital Research Collections at:

Long Island Aerial Photographs available in Print or Online

  1. 1930 Suffolk County photographs from Air Map Corporation of America.
  2. 1938 Suffolk County. Black-and-white high altitude photographs covering much of Suffolk County. From U.S. Dept of Agriculture. Stereoscopic coverage for some areas.
  3. 1947 Nassau County
  4. 1970 Nassau and Suffolk counties. High altitude black-and-white photos from Lockwood, Kessler, and Bartlett.
  5. 1976 Nassau and Suffolk counties. Black and white 7.5' quadrangle format blueprints from Tri-State Regional Planning Commission. 1988 Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Black-and-white high altitude photographs from Lockwood, Kessler, and Bartlett.
  6. 1994-2002. Color digital orthophotoquads (see below under New York State).
  7. We hold other color and color infrared aerials of the Long Island Region from 1974. They are currently being inventoried. If you need access to them, contact the Map Librarian.

Additional Online Resource: EarthExplorer is an USGS database which contains aerial and other imagery collections.   It is accessible at: .  * Hint: Use Aerial Photo Single Frames. 

NYC Aerials

1984. Very large-scale blueprints of all boroughs. From NY Metropolitan Transportation Council.

The library owns partial coverage of NYC aerial photography since 1974.

  1. Soil surveys. Most recent soil surveys from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture are based on aerial photographs. The Map Collection has an extensive collection covering the entire U.S.
  2. Contact the subject librarian, or visit the state clearinghouses, federal agencies, and the “Commercial Products” page for sources of other aerial or satellite imagery.


Tidal Wetlands: from Troy, NY to Montauk from NYS DEC