What is EBN?
ANA has developed a "Research Toolkit" to support nurses in providing evidence-based care that promotes quality health outcomes for individuals, families, communities and health care systems. The toolkit offers an introduction to research and evidence-based practice. It provides access to numerous resources to translate evidence into practice and to support nurse researchers. Members only can log in and have access to a research repository with reviews of research articles. http://bit.ly/t6bAbT
Essentials of nursing research: appraising evidence for nursing practice. Polit, D.F. & Tatano Beck, C., WY 20.5 P769e 2010.
Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice. Capezuti, E.(Ed.), WY 152 G3698 2008.
Evidence-based nursing guide to disease management. WY 100 E937 2009.
Evidence-based practice for nurses: appraisal and application of research. Schmidt, N.A. & Brown, J.M. (Eds.), WY 20.5 S353e 2009.
Introduction to nursing research: incorporating evidence-based practice, 2nd ed., Boswell, C. & Cannon, S. (Eds.), WY 20.5 I6196 2011 Perm Res.
Nursing diagnosis handbook: an evidence-based guide to planning care. Ackley, B.J. & Ladwig, G.B. (Eds.), WY 49 N9745 2011.
Nursing policy research: turning evidence-based research into health policy. Dickson, G.L. & Flynn, L. (Eds.), WY 20.5 N97328 2009.
Nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (Eds.), WY 20.5 N97445 2010 Perm Res.
Nursing research: reading, using, and creating evidence, 2nd. ed. Houser, J. WY20.5 H842n 2012
Teaching evidence-based practice in nursing: a guide for academic and clinical settings. Levin, R.F. & Feldman, H.R. (Eds.), WY 18 T2517 2006.
Understanding Nursing Research: building an evidence-based practice (5th ed.) Burns, N. & Grove, S.K. WY 20.5 B967u 2011
Vital notes for nurses: research for evidence-based practice. Newell, R. & Burnard, P., WY 20.5 N 546v 2006.
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