Microforms Library - Central Reading Room
El Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral, 1631-1821
Author: Hidalgo del Parral (Mexico). Archivo.
Language: Spanish
324 Reels
More than 360,000 pages of handwritten documents from the Municipal Archives of Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico, documenting the history of a Spanish frontier colonial silver mining community in the Parral district of northern Mexico.
The collection begins with the earliest extant documents, in 1631, and continues to the close of the Spanish colonial period in 1821. Documents are organized by year, each year being subdivided into subject categories relative to civil and military affairs, land and mineral entitlements, judicial proceedings and miscellaneous matters. Provides primary source material for Indian uprisings, slavery, public entertainment, official residences, crime and punishment.
The overall scheme of arrangement of the records is chronological. Within each year of records, the categories of classification (as described in the preface to the printed index) are as follows:
Section 1. Causas administratiyas y de guerra -- military reports concerning native activity, official visits, and reports pertaining to such administrative activities as the number and location of royal stores for tax purposes, reports of governors and other officials, and many other matters pertaining to administration on a federal level.
Section 2. Minas solares y terrenos -- records of sale of mining property and land actions pertaining to mining properties, ranches, and other properties.
Section 3. Protocolos -- the formal protocol written during the course of the years by various city officials, dealing with city and provincial business, public records, wills, and other matters of government.
Section 4. Causas civiles -- civil court cases pertaining to suits concerning money and materials, and cultural transactions at the civil court level, including topics such as enforced slavery.
Section 5. Causas criminales -- federal criminal court cases, including murder, theft, rape, labor conflicts, etc.
Section 6. Papales Varios -- unidentified comments or parts of documents that the organizers of the microfilmed material could not otherwise classify or properly index.
Library Administration: 631.632.7100
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