For PC users
Step 1: Setting preferences and clearing any existing journal terms
- Open the EndNote Library
- Go to EndNote Preferences under Edit and choose Term List
- Uncheck the bottom two boxes
- Go to Tools, open Term List, select Journal Term List
- Make sure you are on the Terms tab. Select/highlight all the terms, and Delete
Step 2: Importing journal terms list
- Open the EndNote Library
- Go to Tools, Define Term List, select Journals (Make sure you are on the List tab)
- Click Import List...
- Navigate to EndNote program file: C:\Program Files\EndNote (EndNote Version Number)\Term Lists. Select the relevant discipline (e.g., BioScience or Medical) and click Open
- You will have to repeat this steps if you want to import more than one list
Step 3: Double check journal terms list
- Open the EndNote Library
- Go to Tools, open Term List, and check to see if the journal full title, abbreviation 1, abbreviation 2 are correct
- If errors are found, highlight the journal, click Edit Term..., and make necessary corrections.
Step 4: Make a copy of the style for your manuscript
- Open the EndNote Library and select the style for your manuscript
- Select Output Style from Edit menu and select the style you want to edit
- Select Journal Names from the left navigation
- Select the journal name your prefer (e.g., Full journal name or abbreviation)
- From the File menu, save the style as new style and give it another name such as APA-Full journal name
- Close the style editing window
- Open your manuscript, set the style to the new style you just saved
- Click Update References and you will see the change