In stage 1 we consider the desired results of the design according to the following four categories:
In the next few sections we will look at examples of each category.
Course Objectives:
Course learning objectives must match up to RSOM’s ILOS and session learning objectives must match up to course learning objectives.
Students will understand that:
Ask your self, "What do I want students to understand after this lesson/unit/course?"
Ask yourself, "What questions should students be able to answer?"
Students will know... |
Students will be able to… |
Ask yourself, "What should students be able to know and do?"
Understandings should be based on transferable big ideas that give content meaning and connect facts and skills. So, the understandings connect facts and skills.
For example , if students understand that it is critical for a doctor to fully characterize the symptom in the HPI so they can properly diagnose the patient.
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