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Stony Brook University

RSOM Faculty Development Guide: Start a Teaching Renaissance

This guide contains resources for the Renaissance School of Medicine faculty.



ExamSoft is a tool that allows instructors to create secure exams and get valuable data on student learning.  Examplify is the student version of the tools that enables them to take exams on a computer or iPad. ExamSoft is available for all School of Medicine and School of Dental Medicine Classes.  Instructors can use the tool on their own or with support from the Undergraduate Medical Education Dean's Office.  Contact Francine Moore or Gina Marandino-Robinson in the Dean's Office if you need ExamSoft help.

Below is a recording of the session on ExamSoft that was given as part of the RSOM Faculty Development Series.

Request an Exam

Uses for ExamSoft

ExamSoft can be used to create many different types of assessments.  Some assessments that we use it for at the Renaissance School of Medicine include:

  • High Stakes Exams (Midterms, Finals)
  • Quizzes
  • Team-Based Learning iRATs and gRATs.
  • Case-Based Assessments
  • Takehome Exams
  • Homework Assignments

ExamSoft Question Types

The following types of questions can be created in ExamSoft:

  • M/C (Multiple Choice): The exam-taker selects the answer(s) from a list of possible answers.
  • T/F (True/False): The exam-taker answers the question by selecting either True or False.
  • Essay: The exam-taker writes a long-form response to the question.
  • FITB (Fill in the Blank): The exam-taker supplies the missing word(s) in a passage of text by typing or by selecting an option from a drop-down list.
  • Hot Spot: The exam-taker answers the question by clicking on an image.
  • Drag & Drop: The exam-taker answers the question by reviewing a list of possible answers and dragging the correct answer(s) to the answer box.
  •  Matching: The exam-taker answers questions by reviewing a list of prompts and matching them with the possible  answer.

Exam Process from Start to Finish

The diagram below illustrates the entire exam process from start to finish.  The blue items are instructor's tasks and the red items are student's tasks.  Note if you need assistance creating questions, creating exams, posting exams, and retrieving scores someone in the UGME Dean's Office can help. 

ExamSoft Resources