There are both Allowable and Unallowable costs that you may or may not include in your DMS Plan:
Allowable costs include the following:
Unallowable costs include:
This video will walk you through the National Academies' cost driver template, to show you how to use the cost driver template to estimate your own (biomedical) data sharing costs.
Takes you to the full National Academies' site on Forecasting Costs for Preserving, Archiving, and Promoting Access to Biomedical Data. Includes the consensus study report, Life-Cycle Decisions for Biomedical Data: The Challenge of Forecasting Costs. Downloadable in PDF format for free. Several related tools and videos are linked in the "resources" section.
A generalized checklist of things to consider, drawn from the larger National Academies report
Use this link to download the National Academies workbook on cost drivers for data management and sharing. Downloads in MS Word (.doc) file format
Estimator for costs in data preparation and deposit work with NDA: the NIMH Data Archive. This also applies to NIAAA and NIDA deposits in the NDA, NIAAA-da, and related repos.
(Resources retrieved from Budget: Allowable costs and costing resources - NIH Data Sharing - coming 2023 - Research Guides at Virginia Commonwealth University)
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