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Stony Brook University

COLLECTIONS: Pollock-Krasner Study Center

Learn about the collections at the Pollock Krasner Study Center at the Stony Brook Southampton Library.

Books about Artists on the East End of Long Island

East End Artist Links

Art Institutions on the East End of Long Island

East End Art Galleries


East Hampton


Sag Harbor



George Condo - East End Artist

John Ferren - East End Artist

Jane Freilicher - East End Artist

April Gornik - East End Artist

Charlotte Park - East End Artist (see James Brooks)

See James Brooks, above.

Andy Warhol - East End Artist

Compiled as a labor of love by Gary Comenas, a London-based arts commentator, warholstars is devoted primarily to documenting the life, times and legacy of Andy Warhol.

East End Artists

Below, is a partial listing of some of the East End Artists that the Pollock-Krasner Study Center maintains files on.  For more detailed information about these local artists and all the other artists we maintain files on, please see our:

and contact us at (631) 324-4929 to make an appointment.  

Last Name First Name Medium
Abbott Dorothy Sculpture
Abbott Mary Painting
Abrams Abby Painting, Sculpture
Albert Calvin Sculpture
Arms Anneli Sculpture
Barnes Margo Painting
Berezov Maurice Painting
Bigar Nicole Painting
Bjerring Aage Painting, Sculpture
Blanc Peter Sculpture
Bowden (Potter) Priscilla Painting
Brook Alexander Painting
Budd David Painting
Burrell Alison Painting
Burton Richmond Sculpture
Butchkes Sydney  
Caggiano Marjorie Painting
Caglioti Victor Painting
Carone Nicolas Painting
Carpentier Ralph Painting
Chase Louisa Painting, Prints
Chase William Merritt Painting
Christensen Dan Painting
Cohen Gloria Painting
Cohen Steve Painting
Colucci Steven  
Constant George Painting
D'Amico Mabel Sculpture
D'Amico Victor Designer, educator
D'Vorzon Berenice Painting
Dante Giglio Painting
Das Rhameshwar Photography, author
David Cyril Drawing
Davies Ted Prints
Davis Paul Painting
Day John Painting
Dayton Josh Painting
De Natale W.Q. Drawing
De Niro, Sr Robert Painting
De Pasquale James Painting
DeCuevas Elizabeth Sculpture
Delagi Westa Painting
Dengel Rudy Painting
Desser Maxwell Painting
Deutscher Susan Painting
Dever Eric Painting
Diamond Mary E. B. Painting
Donoho G. Ruger Painting
Dougenis Miriam Painting
Doyle Mary Ellen Painting
Durham Bill Painting
Edgar Natalie Painting
Egosi Lydia Painting
Ernst Edith Dallas Sculpture
Evans Constance Painting
Fahnestock James Painting
Ferrara Tom Painting
Ferren Rae Painting
Fickera Fred Sculpture
Fischl Eric Painting
Flack Audrey Painting
Forman Alice Painting
Francke Tapp Painting
Franey Trish Painting
Frank Ellen Painting
Freed Hermine Photography
Friedberg Rachel Painting
Geissler Elizabeth Mixed
Geldzahler Henry Curator
Gentilini Jorge Painting
Greene Balcomb Painting
Grippe Peter Sculpture
Grove Elaine Sculpture
Gwathmmey Robert Painting
Hammond Phyllis Sculpture
Harms Robert Painting
Hassam F. Childe Painting
Heppenheimer WS (William S) Sculpture
Hios Theo Painting
Hoie Claus Painting
Hoie Helen Painting
Hokanson Hans Designer, sculpture
Holden Jessica Sculpture
Hoops Jay Photography
Howell Elwood Painting
Hunt Carol Painting
Isham Sheila Collage
Jackson Ruby Sculpture
Johnson Karl Prints
Kanemitsu Matsumi Painting
Kanovitz Howard Collage
Karewski Richard C Painting
Kaufmann Robert Painting
Kendrick Mel Sculpture
Kennedy Donald Sculpture
Kenton Marion Egg Decorating
Kerr Margaret Sculpture
King William Sculpture
Kluglein June Painting
Knott Cynthia Painting
Koether Tom Painting
Kotuk Maggie Painting
Kraft Polly Painting
Kramer Harry Painting
Krisel Harold Painting, Sculpture, prints
Kuhn Nathan Sculpture
Lajeski Gary Sculpture
Larsen Jack Designer
Lawrence Claude  
Lazarus-Reiman Susan Collage
Leaver Eleanor "Chip" Drawing
Lederman Stephanie Brody Painting
Leiber Gerson Painting
Lerman Doris Sculpture, painting
Lerner Abram Painting, Curator
Li Lan Painting
Lieberman Bruce Painting
Lipman-Wulf Peter Sculpture
Lipski Donald Mixed
Little John Painting
Long Hubert Sculpture
Lord Sheridan Drawing, Painting
Loving Alvin Sculpture
Maiwald Christa Sculpture
Mallory Ronald Painting, Sculpture
Matter Mercedes Painting
Maze Hildy Painting, Collage, Mixed Media
McCallion Barry Artist Books
McDarrah Fred W. Photographer
Meehan Madeleine Painting
Merchant Yolanda Painting
Miller Paton Painting
Millevolte Rose Painting
Moran Thomas (+ Family) Painting
Morris Andrew Painting
Morris Kyle Painting
Mosca August Painting
Muller Helen Painting
Munson Russell Photography
Murphy Michelle Painting
Najdzionek Christine Painting
Nasca Ruth Painting
Nicholson Roy Installation
Noland Neil Sculpture
Oppenheim Dennis Sculpture
Orshefsky Nan Painting
Park Charlotte Painting
Parker Elizabeth Painting
Pavia Paul Sculpture
Porter David Mixed
Porter Fairfield Painting
Prellwitz Edith Painting
Prellwitz Henry Painting
Prohaska Ray Painting
Rattner Abraham Painting
Revi Leo Painting
Richenburg Robert Painting
Rizzie Dan Collage
Robinson Carol Sculpture
Rosenthal Bernard (Tony) Sculpture
Rosenthal Randall Carving
Ross Toni Sculpture
Russo Alex Painting
Sager Anne Photographs
Schanker Louis Painting
Schatmeyer Gary Fabric Artist
Schwartz Mim Adrienne Sculpture
Schwartz Doris Painting
Selz Irma Sculpture
Shields Alan Painting
Slater David Collage
Slavin Arlene Sculpture
Slivka David Sculpture, Painting
Solomon Mike Painting
Solomon Syd Painting
Sonnier Keith Mixed
Soreff Helen Painting
Stanwell Ann Painting
Stefanik John Photography
Stein Ronald Painting
Sterne Hedda Painting
Stiefel Frank Photography
Stires Margaret Painting
Stuart Michelle Painting
Takis Louis Sculpture
Topham Pamela Tapestry
Turgeon Peter Painting
Tyler Elizabeth Sloan Painting
Vincente Esteban Painting
Watson Peggy Painting
Weinberger Della Mixed
Welden Dan Prints
Wilder Joe Painting
Wilson Jim Richard Mixed
Wingate Arlene Sculpture
Wright Lois Photography
Wynn Marie Sculpture
Yektai Manoucher Painting
Zerner Amy Tapestry