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Stony Brook University

George Washington and the Culper Spy Ring

Research Materials about George Washington, the Culper Spy Ring, and the American Revolutionary War


(1777). Rivington’s New York loyal gazette

(1777). Rivington’s New-York gazette: or The Connecticut, Hudson’s River, New-Jersey, and Quebec weekly advertiser.

(1773-1775). Rivington’s New-York gazetteer, or, The Connecticut, New-Jersey, Hudson’s-River, and Quebec weekly.

Bensen, Egbert. (1817). Vindication of the captors of Major Andre. New York: Published by Kirk & Mercein, at the office of the Edinburgh and Quarterly reviews, no. 22 Wall-Street. T. & W. Mercein, printers, no. 93 Gold-Street. 1817.

Boynton, E. C. (1863). History of West Point: and its military importance during the American revolution: and the origin and progress of the United States military academy. New York: D. Van Nostrand.

Dunlap, William. (1952). André a tragedy in five acts : to which are added authentic documents respecting Major Andre, c. [New York: Printed by T. & J. Swords, 1798].

Simms, J. R. (1846). The American spy, or, Freedoms early sacrifice: A tale of the revolution, founded on fact. Albany: Printed by J. Munsell.

Smith, J. H., & Seward, A. (1808). An authentic narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andrè: Adjutant-general of His Majesty's forces in North America. London: Mathews and Leigh.

Microform Collections at Stony Brook University

Microforms are greatly reduced photographs of newspapers, journals, books, magazines, government documents and miscellaneous unpublished research. With the appropriate equipment, the reduced text can be enlarged for reading. The types of microform in the collection include microfilm, micro card, microprint, microfiche, and ultra fiche.

The microform collections at SBU exceed the size of the Library's book collections in terms of volumes and occupy nearly 4 million rolls of film. The materials include selected newspapers (current and past, foreign and domestic), magazines and journals, U.S., U.N., and foreign government publications, U.S. and foreign census materials, manuscripts, dissertations, archival materials, anthropological studies, educational research reports and large collections of older American and European books and plays.

Select Pre-19th Century Publications

Early American Imprints (1639-1800)
Early American Newspapers
Early English Books (1475-1700)

19th Century Publications

American Culture Series
American Periodical Series
British Sessional Papers
Early American Books (1801-1819)
Nassau and Suffolk Counties Decennial Census Reports
Oberlin College Anti-Slavery Collection
U.S. Presidential Papers

20th Century Publications

Columbia University Oral History Collection
Cornell University Collection of Women's Rights Pamphlets
International Collection of Social and Economic Development Plans (1945- )
United Nations Documents and Official Records (1946- )
U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs



Guide to Microforms at SBU

Primary source collections include:

  • Early English Books (1475-1700)
  • Early American Imprints (1639-1800)
  • Early American Books (1801-1819)
  • Early American Newspapers
  • American Culture Series
  • American Periodical Series
  • U.S. Presidential Papers