In February 2023, Stony Brook University Libraries embarked on its next Strategic Plan. The primary purpose of the strategic plan is to guide the future direction of the libraries and ensure that we are efficiently and effectively meeting the needs of our users within our means. In addition, we strive to be leaders, develop our spaces and technologies, and incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in every aspect of our work. Through this process, we identified new opportunities for growth and innovation while prioritizing our resources and initiatives. Our plan covers the next five years, starting in 2024 and ending in 2029.
The Libraries’ strategic plan is aligned with the University-wide strategy and the strategic plan from the Health Sciences Center and Stony Brook Medicine. While the University's plans were being worked on, the libraries were given the green light to start our strategic planning process with the ability to make adjustments as needed. In our process, the libraries' strategic planning committee gathered and assessed ample feedback from the campus community and the libraries' staff and faculty.
Currently, the strategic planning and implementation committee is working with our colleagues in the library on implementing the plan.
Library Administration: 631.632.7100
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