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Stony Brook University

Scoping Review Guide

This guide covers all of the information you need to know in order to prepare for and conduct a scoping review.

Step 5 - Perform Data Extraction & Interpret Findings

General tips

  • The information that you extract from the studies included in your scoping review will depend on the purpose of your review and your question.
  • Assessment of eligibility of studies, and extraction of data from study reports, should be done by at least two people, independently.
  • Data collection forms are invaluable. They should be designed carefully to target the objectives of the review, and should ideally be piloted by the review team on two or three articles to ensure that all required data is captured.

What data should be collected for each included study?

According to the JBI Reviewer's Manual (Methodology for Scoping Reviews, chapter 11), key information to chart for each paper includes:

  • Author(s)
  • Year of publication
  • Origin/country of origin (where the study was published or conducted)
  • Aims/purpose
  • Study population and sample size (if applicable)
  • Methodology/methods
  • Intervention type/duration, comparater, outcome measures (if applicable)
  • Key findings that relate to the scoping review question/s

A draft charting table/form should have been developed with your protocol, but it is acceptable to refine this at the review stage.