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Stony Brook University

Latin American History

Resources for the study of Latin American history.

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Online Journals (Subscriptions)

Here is a selected list of subscription journals available. Many titles are available in multiple online databases; to see the full list, use SEARCH.

Additional years available in PRINT are indicated below the online versions, along with the call number. Current print issues are located in the Central Reading Room. Older issues are located in the Main Library Stacks, unless otherwise noted.

Tracking Research

Use citation resources for tracking research through the literature

Cited Reference Searching can turn up all papers (and patents, theses, conference papers, etc.) that have been cited in the source article. Cited reference searching provides a different approach to finding relevant references by looking at the work to which an author refers.

Creating Alerts

Many databases allow you to create ALERTS that will notify you of new issues of a specific journal or of new articles on a topic of your interest.

Usually, you must register with the database publisher, but your account will work across all of their databases - in EBSCO, for example.