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Stony Brook University

Dryad Digital Repository

This guide provides information on accessing and using Dryad for storing and sharing research data.


About Dryad

The Dryad Digital Repository provides a secure generalist platform for users to share their research data with the public, which facilitates compliance with open access policies, such as the current NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy, as well as publisher policies. 

Advantages of Using Dryad

Dryad has several important features:

  • Content is free to download and re-use under a Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.

  • Promotes data quality by employing professional curators.

  • Fits into the manuscript submission workflow of its partner journals, making data submission easy.

  • Open source, standards-compliant technology.

  • Supports flexible data formats.

  • Assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to datasets.

  • Promotes data visibility by allowing content to be indexed, searched and retrieved.

  • Contents are preserved long-term to guarantee access to contents indefinitely.

Researchers will need to create an ORCID ID in order to deposit data. For more information on registering for an ORCID ID, please see our ORCID Research Guide.

Dryad FAQ's

Dryad has an FAQ section available on their website.

For additional questions, please send an email to