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Stony Brook University

Women's History Month Colloquium Series: 2018 Events


Women, Wages, and Work: A Workshop Presented by the University Libraries and the Career Center

Date: March 20th
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location:  North Reading Room Learning Lab, Melville Library 1st floor

This workshop will highlight resources at the University Libraries and elsewhere to empower women entering the workplace to seek salary equity, hone negotiation skills, and to seek high-quality, reliable sources of information to assist them in professionalization.


University Libraries Presents: Literary Karaoke in Honor of Women's History Month

Date: March 21st
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Location: North Reading Room Learning Lab, Melville Library 1st floor

Read a page or two from your favorite text written by a woman, or dealing with women’s and gender studies. Listen, learn, and get inspired! Open to all.


University Libraries Presents: "Gender and Negotiation," a Lecture by Dr. Julia Bear

Date: March 27th
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Special Collections Seminar Room, Melville Library 2nd floor


The wage gap between men and women is persistent: Women earn 80% on average of what men earn. The career advancement gap between men and women is even larger— the current 6% of Fortune 500 CEOs who are female is a record. Gender differences in negotiation help to explain these broader gender gaps seen in organizations. I will present highlights from my research on gender differences in negotiation. I will also discuss evidence-based recommendations for overcoming apprehension concerning negotiation and obtaining better outcomes.

Julia B. Bear is an Assistant Professor in the College of Business at Stony Brook University. Her research focuses on the influence of gender on negotiation and conflict management, as well as on investigating the underlying causes of gender gaps in organizations. Dr. Bear’s research has been published in many leading management and psychology journals and books. Dr. Bear is also the recipient of multiple best paper awards from the Academy of Management and the International Association of Conflict Management, as well as a Fulbright fellowship. She received her Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Carnegie Mellon University.