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AND between words searches for BOTH words on document.
EX: immigration and employment
Returns results with both words. Fewer, but better, results.
QUOTATION MARKS around a phrase searches for that exact phrase.
EX: “genetic engineering” "climate change" "no child left behind"
Returns results with that exact phrase.
ASTERISK (*) search looks for all the various words using the same root.
EX: comput* results in articles that have the words compute, computer, computing, etc.
educat* will search for educate, education, educator, educators, etc.
OR between words searches for at least one of the words.
EX: fat OR obesity
Returns results with either word. Produces more results.
(Parentheses) group multiple search terms together.
EX: debt and (teenagers or adolescents)
Returns results for debt and teenagers and for debt and adolescents.
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