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Stony Brook University

International Students

A guide to help international students succeed at Stony Brook University.

Finding the Words - Dictionaries and Thesauruses

A dictionary helps you find the meaning of a word.

A thesaurus helps you find other words with the same or opposite meaning.

You can borrow English/English book dictionaries and thesauruses from the library, but many people like internet dictionaries.  Here are some good ones:

Here are some examples of book dictionaries in the library:

Getting Writing Help on Campus

Books to Help with Your English @ the Library

Here are some websites to help you with grammar:

Here are some websites to help you with pronunciation:

Writing Style Books @ the Library

When we write academically or professionally (for school work, a professional magazine or publication, etc.) we follow certain writing rules and standards.  These rules tell us how to format all parts of our professional writing (including what font and font size to use, how to make a list of books you read to create your paper, how to create a title page, etc.).  These different styles of professional and academic writing are called writing styles.

There are many kinds of writing styles, for example APA, AMA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, and MLA.  Each subject (like sciences or the humanities) likes to use a different writing style - and sometimes your professor wants you to use their favorite writing style!  Please read your professor's syllabus carefully to check which writing style they want.

Here are the two most common writing styles:

MLA - A set of rules created by the Modern Language Association.  It's usually used by people who study the humanities (language, history, literature, writing, etc.)

APA -  A set of rules created by the American Psychological Association.  It is usually used by people in the sciences.

Click the other tabs in this box for online and print resources to help you to write using MLA and APA writing styles.

MLA style was created by the Modern Language Association.

Websites that give information on MLA style and how to use it:

Here are some MLA resource books you can find in the library @ SBU:

APA style was created by the American Psychological Association.

Websites that give information on APA style and how to use it:

Here are some APA resource books you can find in the library @ SBU:

Here are some web resources to help you with you writing:

Here are some book resources @ SBU to help you with you writing:

ESL and General Writing Resources

International students face many challenges after getting into an American university.  Studying in the United States can be very different from studying at home for two reasons: language and the way that we think and write.  Look at the rest of this page for resources to help you with your English and writing problems!