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Stony Brook University

Progress Update 2016 - Stony Brook University Library Strategic Design 2015 - 2018, Cataloging & Metadata


Contribute to the intellectual infrastructure by building and maintaining the tools necessary for discovery of and access to rich and diverse collections in support of the university’s teaching, research and outreach missions. Collaborate with the university community by creating the metadata that provides global recognition of the intellectual and creative output of Stony Brook University.


Develop expertise in metadata standards and applications to serve as a campus resource for digitization projects and the university's institutional repository to make the library an integral and vital partner in the university's research endeavor.

Guiding Principles with Goals

Promote Academic Engagement

Provide advice, training and instruction on metadata, controlled vocabularies, authority control, etc. to faculty and students to assist them in planning digitization projects.

  • Develop a Cataloging/Metadata web page that would include a description of services provided to the library, faculty and students.
  • Work with Serials and Electronic Resource Management to develop a Resource Management web page.
  • Work with subject liaisons to make faculty aware of the importance of accurate metadata and standards in implementing a digitization project.
    • Planning to work with library IT, liaisons, teaching faculty, etc. to help with metadata, controlled vocabularies, authority control and other access and discovery aspects for digitization projects when library IR is operational again.

Collaborate directly with faculty, students and library staff on projects by contributing metadata and expertise and by participating in the planning and development of digitization projects.

  • Meet with faculty expressing an interest in collaborating with the library on digitization initiatives.
  • Develop documentation for contributors to IR on metadata schemes, controlled vocabularies, name authority files, etc. to assist in providing metadata.
    • Planning to play an active role in the development of digitization projects when the IR is operational again.


Build, Preserve, and Provide Access to Rich and Diverse Collections

Non-MARC metadata production will be fully integrated into the cataloging program with print and media formats.

  • Provide training in Dublin Core Metadata to all catalogers.
    • Planning to re-integrate metadata production into the workflow when the IR is operational again.

Begin planning for a next-generation library management system that will enhance discovery and access to information resources and provide appropriate support for the library's acquisition, fiscal management and reporting needs.

  • Work with Library Technology to arrange for presentations and informational sessions on library management systems under consideration.
    • Completed location changes in conjunction with library renovation and updating of locations in STARS database in preparation for the new system.

Collaborate with Special Collections and University Archives to address the issue of hidden collections. Make use of staff language and subject expertise for unique collections.

  • Develop a list prioritizing unique collections to be cataloged with corresponding staff expertise.
    • Cataloged approximately 2000 of 5000 Chinese cookbooks from the Newman Collection

Increase access to Stony Brook research and creative works to promote global recognition of the university's intellectual output.

  • Promote the importance of metadata for access to and preservation of Stony Brook research on the web.
    • Plan to restart the cataloging of ETDs when the IR is operational again

Review and emphasize database maintenance and authority control program and include non-MARC databases to increase the quality, accuracy and interoperability of library databases.

  • Develop systemwide policies for name and subject authority control.
  • Design a workflow for authority control practices and procedures.
  • Investigate the feasibility of using a commercial authority control vendor.
  • Began collecting information on the use of an authority control vendor

Batchload cataloging records for electronic collection sets to provide access to individual titles in databases.

  •  Work with Library Technology to develop a workflow for batchloading cataloging records.
    • Developed an outline for a workflow for batchloading MARC records into STARS


Develop Responsive Library Spaces for Diverse Communities

Provide librarians and staff with comfortable, quiet workspaces and appropriate tools and technologies to ensure a safe, healthy and productive work environment.

  • Meet with staff to analyze work space and how well it meets the description in the goal. Include neighbors in the meeting.
  • Encourage staff to suggest ways of improving work environment.
    • Staff in RM are always encouraged to suggest ways of improving work environment, workflow, processes, etc.

      All staff members in the Cataloging and Metadata Department contributed to a healthy work environment that promotes “equality, civility, caring, responsibility, accountability, and respect” in accord with President Stanley’s Statement of Community.

Provide suitable spaces for training, collaboration with internal and external entities, and professional development to encourage continual acquisition of knowledge.

  • Assess how well the physical environment fosters staff training and collaboration.
  • Continually solicit staff input on usability of training areas.
    • The Cataloging and Metadata Department made frequent use of the staff training area designed by Jason, which has proven very helpful for work-related meetings and discussions.


Foster an Innovative Culture of Learning and Assessment

Continually augment staff skills through training and mentoring.

  • Provide ongoing staff training on various national and international standards.
  • Provide individual consulting and training in specialized aspects of cataloging and metadata.
  • Formal staff training sessions included:

    • ALCTS webinar “From MARC to Bibframe”
    • ALCTS webinar “Tactics for Time Management and Organizational Skills”
    • Raquel attended a workshop entitled “Descriptive Metadata for Cartographic Resources” sponsored by the University of Texas Libraries and Jackson School of Geosciences
    • Raquel attended “Strategize Me! Personal Career Planning” an ALCTS Symposium at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Boston, MA
    • Staff in Cataloging and Metadata are continually provided with individual consulting in various aspects of cataloging and metadata

Provide support for metadata creation by developing policies, best practices, training programs, etc. to support discovery of and access to library collections, projects and other initiatives.

  • Re-establish Metadata Team for developing policies, application profiles, templates, etc.
    • Planning to reestablish the metadata committee and continue to develop templates for different formats when the IR is operational again.

Increase staff knowledge of Resource Description and Access (RDA) and develop specialists in using RDA to provided access to special materials in both analog and digital formats (e.g.., music, moving image materials, cartographic materials, serials, rare books streaming video, streaming audio, etc.).

  • Develop toolkits with resources on using RDA with special materials.
  • Provide individual training and mentoring to staff handling special materials.
    • Was placed on hold until new Associate Dean arrived. Will develop a plan in consultation with the new AD in office.

Develop staff expertise in DCMI, Bibframe, XML and TEI and ensure that the staff has some expertise in additional metadata schemes (e.g... MODS, METS,EAD, and VRA).

  • Use webinars, training sessions and other professional development opportunities to increase staff knowledge of metadata schemes, Bibframe data model and markup languages.
  • Create a culture of learning by encouraging and stressing the importance of professional development.
  • Ensure that faculty and staff have time to engage in professional development.
    • Staff are encouraged to engage in professional development activities

Develop training sessions and guidelines to improve departmental skills with RDA, metadata schemes, etc. and design workshops, guides, etc. to familiarize other library areas with cataloging and metadata standards.

  • Give a presentation on RDA for non-technical services staff.
  • Hold annual open house for staff and introductory sessions for new staff.
    • Gave presentation on RDA for non-tech services library staff on April 20

      Held Cataloging and Metadata open house on July 29