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Stony Brook University

Progress Update 2016 - Stony Brook University Library Strategic Design 2015 - 2018, Administrative Support


Library Administration provides support to Library employees in the areas of recruitment, classification and compensation, payroll, personnel, labor relations, budget and procurement.


Library Administration Office works to achieve our mission by supporting all library units in the areas of budget and personnel to ensure compliance with university and SUNY policy and procedures enabling them to achieve library and research initiatives.

Promoting Academic Engagement

Promote Academic Engagement

  • Re-design Library Administration section on library webpage to be more user-friendly. Include Frequently asked questions (FAQ) for Library Administration areas.
    • Planning  to work closely with the newly Hired Web Services Librarian to redesign the Library Administration webpage.

    • Begin to develop the content for the FAQ section during the summer months and be ready to launch the Administration Section at the end of August.

  • Develop Communication Initiatives. Send out email announcements to faculty/staff at the beginning of every semester and as needed with important deadlines and University and SUNY Policy changes.
    • We continue to keep the organization up-to-date on new policies through announcements from the University Library Dean and the Administration Personnel team.

Build, Preserve, and Provide Access to Rich and Diverse Collections

  • Streamline workflow process of obtaining required signatures of electronic resources license agreements with Procurement Office to ensure continuous user access to electronic collections.
    • Library Administration implemented a process to centralize the management of subscription license agreements.  All legal contracts/subscription agreements are now routed through the Library Procurement Office to University Procurement for final review and authorized signature using Stony Brook's on-line requisitioning system. 

  • Collaborate with Resource Management Administration on refining invoice processing for east and west campus.
    • The Library Administration department has contributed to the stability and continuing growth of the Collections and Guiding Principle #3 by completing librarian selectors hires, a successful hire of the Associate Dean for Collection and Resource Management and we are currently recruiting for the Director of Collection and Resource Management.


Develop Responsive Library Spaces for Diverse Communities

  • Evaluate the use of space in Library Administration Office to meet the needs of our library faculty, staff and student employees effectively.
    • The Administration Department has renovated existing underused library space and created a bright and modern new office for Library Personnel and Student Employment. The new space inspires a welcoming atmosphere which allows us to respond to the needs of our library faculty, staff and student employees more effectively.

  • Assessing Library Administration activities to ensure that we are providing optimal support for improvements to library facilities and technologies.  Collaborate with Library Facilities/Operations and Library IT on future improvements to Library Space (office moves, networking upgrades and computer equipment purchases).
    • Work with Library IT to update and improve library technologies and develop a sustainable technology budget for purchases such as computer hardware, software and licenses. 

    • Assist Facilities with funding for office moves and networking upgrades.  Collaborate with Library IT and Facilities to identify underutilized phone lines in order to produce savings. 


Foster an Innovative Culture of Learning and Assessment

  • Provide funding and support to Library Staff as they master new competencies and transition to new roles to foster a culture of learning and assessment. List clear staff development guidelines and forms on StaffWeb to enable faculty/staff to attend conferences and workshops to increase knowledge of services, develop alliances with colleagues at other institutions and meet their research needs.
    • Streamlined processes for Staff Development. Monitored expenditures for professional development and expedited library reimbursement workflow.

    • Organized and facilitated the recruitment and hiring of 19 new faculty and staff.  Arranged travel, transportation, lodging and catering.

    • Collaborated with the librarians to arrange for guest speakers, honorariums and local arrangements.  Worked with all library units to schedule Open Houses for all Departments as part of the strategic plan activities.  Arranged many successful events, and inspired the spirit of the Library Organization with Holiday Parties, All-Staff Retreats, Student Staff Appreciation and Student Awards.  

    • Work diligently to recruit of Work Study Students, in order to fulfill the library’s need by attending EOP and Campus Job Fairs.

    • Updated Student Online Orientation, and Student Supervisor Procedure Manuals.

    • Sponsored several professional development workshops to enhance the knowledge and competencies of the organization: some of these workshops were: Title IX Training, Active Shooter Workshop, and CAPS Training-How to recognize stress in students.

    • Lead the efforts for setting up orientation for new staff members.

    • Supported newly hired Supervisors by arranging/notifying them of HRS Management Training Workshops.

    • Conducted hands on training for Non Faculty Search Committee Chairs on the new HR Recruiting System and provided online EEO/Diversity training.