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Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University Library Strategic Design 2015 - 2018, Preservation


The Preservation Department oversees and makes recommendations to the Library Administration, faculty and staff in the care, treatment, standards, and preservation of all library and related custodial assets within the care of the University Libraries.


The Preservation Department ensures that the custodial assets of the University Libraries are secured for long-term viability and availability through adherence to international standards in support of research, teaching and learning at Stony Brook University.

Guiding Principles with Goals

Promote Academic Engagement

Advise the campus community, and Library faculty and staff in preservation matters as they relate to the instructional and intellectual inquiry missions of the University.

  • Showcase tutorials, related information, and other outreach services to the campus community through the Preservation website. (Fall 2015)
  • Provide guidance on the preservation of faculty papers and research materials such as advising on binding operations for doctoral and masters’ works (e.g., History Department, Physics Department and individual faculty). (Ongoing, 2015-2018)
  •  Collaborate with Library faculty and staff in pursuit of grant opportunities which include preservation components. (e.g., School of Journalism Curation Project) (Ongoing, 2015-2018)

Build, Preserve, and Provide Access to Rich and Diverse Collections

Monitor and advise the Library faculty and staff in preservation matters as they relate to the environment and condition of all library and related custodial assets.

  • Update preservation policies and expand preventative measures to ensure the integrity and preservation of library holdings in all formats.  (Fall 2015)
  • Work with division heads and other appropriate organizational personnel in the continued maintenance and care of the library assets housed within branch and collection specific areas (e.g., Health Sciences Special Collections).  (Ongoing, 2015-2018)
  • Collaborate with appropriate organizational personnel in the monitoring and oversight of environmental conditions within organizational and affiliate facilities, and make recommendations on changes.  (Ongoing, 2015-2018)
  • Advise the appropriate organizational units on the information life-cycle and digital preservation procedures to ensure the longevity of library digital assets.  (e.g., Institutional Repository [transition period]).  (Initial, Fall 2015, ongoing 2016-2018)

Develop Responsive Library Spaces for Diverse Communities

Provide a department that is a safe and healthy work space for all faculty and staff.

  • Develop and maintain suitable preservation laboratory space, tools and technologies to meet the needs of the organization and campus community.  (Ongoing, 2015-2018)
  • Collaborate with appropriate library divisions to refine the department’s internal reformatting laboratory space. (Fall 2015 – Spring 2016)
  • Collaborate with appropriate library divisions to refine the department’s emergency response storage locations.  (Fall 2016)
  • Collaborate with appropriate library divisions to refine general and special storage areas to ensure the longevity of all custodial assets and materials.  (e.g., Health Sciences Special Collections).  (Fall 2016)

Foster an Innovative Culture of Learning and Assessment

Educate Library faculty and staff in new and evolving curatorial and preservation standards and practices.

  • Collaborate with Resource Management catalogers to revise the Preservation Metadata Schema to be used in cataloging born digital assets, and to monitor and assess its effectiveness.  (e.g., Training sessions in preservation metadata schema).  (Spring 2017)
  • Research and explore evolving preservation techniques and standards in support of the preservation of all library assets and formats.  (Ongoing, 2015-2018)
  • Represent the libraries at appropriate regional and national professional meetings, related invited committees, and report back to the University Libraries as appropriate.  (Ongoing, 2015-2018)
  • Participate in the mentorship and training of archival and preservation interns. (2015 – 2016 academic year, Ongoing)
  • Continue and expand support for professional development for preservation faculty and staff to ensure that they maintain the skills to meet the future needs of the organization and the campus community.   (Ongoing, 2015-2018).