Call Number | Floor |
A - E | 2nd floor |
F - N | 3rd floor |
P | 4th floor |
Q - Z | 3rd floor |
Did you know that in addition to using a keyword search to find material you can also use a subject heading search to find material that a keyword search might miss?
On the library catalog basic search page use the drop down menu to change the search from Keyword Anywhere to Subject Keywords.
Or once you find an book that looks promising check the subject headings that the item is tagged with. Click on the subject heading and proceed to find all the material in the catalog with that subject heading.
You can also use subject searches when searching for articles in databases. You can even combine keyword and subject searches in one query to get very focused results.
Examples of subject headings noting biographies of journalists:
African American journalists -- Biography
Foreign correspondents -- United States -- Biography
Journalists -- United States -- Biography
Journalists -- United States -- 20th century -- Biography
Sportswriters -- United States -- Biography
Television journalists -- United States -- Biography
Television news anchors -- United States -- Biography
War correspondents -- United States -- Biography
Women journalists -- Southern States -- Biography
Women journalists -- United States -- Biography
Women television journalists -- United States -- Biography
Women war correspondents -- United States -- Biography
Women journalists -- New York (N.Y.) -- Biography
Women journalists -- New York (State) -- Brooklyn -- Biography
Journalism books can be found in the Main or Melville Library, the large brick building north of the SAC.
Journalism books are located on the 4th floor in the Main Stacks - entrance in South East corner of building. Note: Certain topics may be located in other sections of the library. For example, writing by a sports journalist might be located under Sports with a call number starting with GV. Always check the catalog for the call number before going to find your book.
Guide to Call Numbers in Journalism:
Below are a list of recommended biographies that are available at the library. You can use the search box at the right to find additional biographies that are available. You will see that most of the biographies have call numbers that start with PN4874. That means they are located in the same area of the library - in this case on the 4th floor of the Main Stacks. So you can also go up and browse through the bookcases to find additional biographies. Be sure to check with your instruction before using a book that is not on the list he provided.
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Library Administration: 631.632.7100
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