ArtcyclopediaLarge public database of digitized archives of painting and sculpture. Indexes over 2,300 art websites. High-definition images can be viewed online or legally purchased and downloaded. 180,000 works by 8,600 renowned and lesser-known artists.
Gale eBooksCollection of online encyclopedias and specialized reference sources covering a wide variety of topics and subjects, including current events, Arts & Humanities, Business, Education, Science, Social Sciences, and Religion.
Gale LiteratureProvides access and simultaneous cross searching of four Gale literary databases: Contemporary Authors Online, Gale Virtual Reference Library (selected literary content), Literature Resource Center - LRC, and LitFinder. Gale Literary Sources also allows researchers to visualize search data by term frequency. Researchers can search all four databases at once using this portal, or access each individually. Gale Literary Sources includes Topic Finder and Gale Literary Index.
Grove Music Online1990s-present. Fulltext. A reference authority on all fields of music. Includes the Oxford Dictionary of Music, Grove Music Online (New Grove Dictionary, New Grove Opera, and New Grove Jazz), and The Oxford Companion to Music.
Literary Encyclopedia1999-present. Profiles of more than 6000 writers, philosophers and other people; nearly 19,000 works; and 1600 literary and historical topics and events. Updated regularly.
Oxford English DictionaryCurrent. A historical dictionary. The accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is a guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. Traces the usage of words.
Oxford ReferenceCurrent/Regularly updated. A fulltext reference collection that includes facts, figures, definitions, and translations from over 175 Oxford dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, guides, encyclopedias, and the "Oxford Companions" series.
NOTE: Titles with subscription/access have a green, open lock at end of each title; no subscription/access for ones with a red closed lock at end of each title.