Need help figuring out what these types of articles are? See the Research Tutorials tab.
Many databases provide filters to limit your results to only scholarly articles. These filters may be refered to as Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed or Refereed Articles. Instructors at the university are often expecting you to use these types of resources for your assignments.
Databases are collections of online information (articles, both scholarly and popular, books, conference proceedings, company information, etc.) organized for easy keyword, subject, author and other types of searching.
These are subscription resources paid for in part by student fees and as such are acceptable resources for college level research.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) makes resources available by providing electronic or physical delivery of material from other library collections. Material that is not owned by Stony Brook University Libraries may be obtained from other participating libraries.
For more information, please visit our website.
Library Administration: 631.632.7100
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