You can add direct links in Brightspace to articles in many of our databases. The trick is to make sure that you are using using stable URLs (also called durable URLs or permalinks). You can find the stable URL for an article in a few different places depending on the database vendor.
Below are the steps from a variety of different database platforms available through the library. Once you've copied a stable URL, you can add it into your Brightspace modules just as you would any other URL.
1. Click on Permalink in the righthand menu when you are viewing the article.
2. Copy and paste the URL from the Permalink field.
1.Once you've found the article, click on the Abstract/Details tab.
2. Scroll down to find and copy the Document URL.
Copy the URL that is listed under the DOI on the article level page.
1. From the article page, click on Actions and choose Link to this page.
2. Copy the URL from the resulting pop up window.
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