SEARCH is the library discovery system.
Stony Brook ID card = library card
Circulation Policy: 98 books, semester loan (except branches) for grads and instructors
Renewals: 3 times if no one is waiting for the material. Can be done online.
Fines: $0.25/day, $85/book – Card is blocked at $5
Recalls: must be done in person at a Circ desk; Holds can be done online.
Photocopies: $.10 a page. You can put money on your student ID for copy machines. Copy machines also accept change and bills. The Photocopy Center is on the 3rd Floor of Melville, near Circulation.
WELCOME to Stony Brook University Libraries.
OUR COLLECTION includes over 2 million volumes; another 4 million volumes in microforms; over 300 databases; 70,000+ e-journals; 10,000+ e-books, 10,000+ CDs, and over 6,000 films
The Library homepage gives you access to: STARS (Library Catalog); Databases, E- journals; Reference Shelf; Subject Guides; InterLibrary Loan/Document Delivery; Ask-A-Librarian
When accessing databases from off campus, make sure that you are using the links on the library web pages. These links include the library proxy in the address, which is what authenticates you for remote access by prompting you for your Net ID and password. See Linking to online library resources below for information on using Library links in your course web pages or Blackboard sites.
MELVILLE LIBRARY: The Main Stacks (Arts & Humanities, except Music, and Social Sciences): Entrance on the 3rd Floor. The Central Reading Room (Main Reference) and the Music and Science & Engineering Libraries are located on the first floor.
STARS (LIBRARY CATALOG): To search for books, journals, music, films, etc. that we own in print or online. Not to search for articles.
ENDNOTE: Manage your citations and PDFs using Endnote. The software is available for download from Softweb ( More information can be found at the SBU Endnote Wiki (
Workshops for EndNote and other resources:
INTER-LIBRARY LOAN (ILL): From the Library homepage, click on InterLibrary Loan.
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: Set it up for Stony Brook and WorldCat. Click on Scholar Preferences. Be aware that Google Scholar does not search all of our databases
If you have any questions, please contact the Reference Desk: (631) 632-7110
GOOD LUCK with your research and teaching.
The faculty member for whom you work may authorize you to charge out Library materials on their behalf.
Similarly, as a teaching graduate student you may authorize two proxy borrowers to charge out Library materials on your behalf. These borrowers must be employed by the University or be registered students. Under this arrangement, you agree to be responsible for any materials borrowed on your behalf, including the return of all materials or the payment of replacement charges of items that are lost or damaged.
Proxy authorization may be granted up to the designated expiration date, and may be renewed as necessary, by completing the form again.
Your faculty must use the Proxy Borrower form to authorize you to to borrow materials on their behalf. If you are going to authorize someone to borrow materials on your behalf then you complete the form.