1900s-present. Citations & abstracts. Largest substance database with more than 26 million substances, including 12 million organic substances. World's most comprehensive database of chemical literature and patents. The link leads to instructions for accessing the database.
Training materials for using SciFinder-n can be found here: https://www.cas.org/support/training/scifinder-n
(Note: does not currently support Internet Explorer 9.) Includes SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED (1900 - present ), SOCIAL SCIENCES CITATION INDEX EXPANDED (1956 - present), and ARTS & HUMANITIES CITATION INDEX (1975 - present). All subjects are covered. Indexes articles from almost 10,000 journals as well as the citations in the articles indexed. Recent years include abstracts.
Chemical information database including content from the Crossfire databases, Beilstein and Gmelin. Search inorganic, organic or organometallic substances. Reaction, citation and experimental data are available in this database. Some patent information is also available.
1978-present. Text-based monographs encompass more than 50 fields of clinically-significant pharmacology detail, applicable to many areas of specialization. NOTE: You may receive a "Subscription Expired" message within 30 days of installing the app. This is only alerting you that the 30-day trial you downloaded initially has expired. Your subscription has not expired and will be completely functional after this period.
Date coverage varies. A site that provides for the full text of subscribed medical textbooks. (2 CONCURRENT USER ONLY. Idle time is 10 minutes only. When you are done, please log off. Otherwise, the next person will not be able to log in for 10 minutes.)