Always follow the instructions given by your professor when citing sources!
The outlines below are general. Individual instructors may have specific requests and instructions

MLA Handbook by The Modern Language Association of America
Call Number: Main Library Stacks LB2369 .M6 2016
Citing images in MLA style: captions and in list of works cited

Fig. 1. Frank Lloyd Wright, Easy Chair, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis.
(Handbook section 4.5, page 118)
In list of works cited, image taken from a website:
Wright, Frank Lloyd. Easy Chair. 1903. Oak, upholstery. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis. Unified Vision: The Architecture and design of the Prairie School. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, n.d. Web. 5 Aug. 2010.
(Handbook section 5.6.2, page 184)
In list of works cited, image taken from a book:
Wright, Frank Lloyd. Easy Chair. 1903. Oak, upholstery. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis. Jennifer Komar Olivarez. Progressive Design in the Midwest: The Purcell-Cutts House and the Prairie School Collection at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 2000. Catalog object 6. Print.
(Handbook section 5.7.6, page 200)
General guidelines for figure captions
- Label the image Figure (usually abbreviated Fig.) and assign it an arabic numeral (1, 2, 3...)
- Give the image a caption, for example, "Fig. 1. Mary Cassatt, Mother and Child, Wichita Museum, Wichita."
- Place the caption directly below the image and give it the same one-inch margins as the text of the paper.
"If the caption...provides complete information about the source and the source is not cited in the text, no entry for the source in the works-cited list is necessary."
General format for work of art in list of works cited
Artist last name, first name. Title of work. Date. Medium of composition. Museum or collection where work is located, city. Source of image (complete citation for book or website, including page number, figure number, or other relevant identifier).