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Stony Brook University

HAN 383 Guide

Change Journal Terms for APA

  • Select APA Sentence Case as your Style
    • Find the dropdown list of citation styles
    • Click 'Select Another Style'
    • Find APA Sentence Case from the list

In order to ensure the full journal title appears (as is required for APA style) follow the steps below:

For PC Users

  • Open your Endnote Library
  • Select Tools -- Open Terms List --- Journals Terms List 
  • Click the Tab for LISTS
  • Highlight Journals and DELETE LIST
  • Create List 
  • Name New List (i.e. APA Journals) check the box for Journal Lits
  • Click on IMPORT LIST (Should open your Endnote program files)
  • Select MEDICAL from the list of text files.

For MAC users

  • Open your Endnote Library
  • Select Tools -- Open Terms List --- Journals Terms List 
  • Click the Tab for LISTS
  • Highlight Journals and DELETE LIST
  • Create List 
  • Name New List (i.e. APA Journals) check the box for Journal Lits
  • Click on IMPORT LIST
  • Go to your Application manager
  • Open the files associated with the Endnote Program 
  • Find Terms -- select Medical.txt


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Tips for Endnote and APA

  • To add page #s to your in-text citation.
    • Add the citation to your word document
    • Highlight the in-text citation
    • Click 'Edit & Manage Citation'
    • Add your page # or page # range in the box labeled 'Pages' 
    • Click OK to update
  • To add multiple references to one citation
    • Enter your first citation into Word using Cite While you Write
    • Highlight the citation
    • Click Insert Citation while the original is still highlighted 
    • Select your second reference


If you have a MAC and you don't see your Endnote tools appearing in Word, you are most likely running an outdated version of Word.

You can download the latest version of Word from DoIT for free.