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Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University Library Strategic Design 2015 - 2018, Lead Selectors


The Lead Selectors Team supports the University’s teaching and research missions locally and globally by:

  • Providing leadership for the creation of a resource-rich scholarly environment.

  • Implementing a framework for acquiring and preserving world-class scholarly collections.

  • Assessing and anticipating the needs of a constantly evolving learning and research community.


The Lead Selectors Team guides the development and preservation of a rich and diverse network of scholarly, cultural and informational resources in support of the University’s mission of excellence in scholarship, research, teaching, creativity, health care and economic and technological development.

Guiding Principles with Goals

Promote Academic Engagement

Model liaison core and enhanced activities.

  • Through contacts and collaborations with faculty, researchers, and students in their subject areas, and by discussing these activities with their subject groups, Lead Selectors will model and promote academic engagement for their colleagues.

  • Lead Selectors will meet with the selectors in their respective groups on a monthly basis to discuss contacts made with stakeholders in their areas.

  • Lead Selectors will document their meetings with their stakeholders and develop a toolkit other selectors can use.


  • Find appropriate and efficient processes for faculty, researchers, and students to play a role in the development of an open access faculty research repository, fund allocations and scholarly communication issues.

  • Lead Selectors will organize an annual meeting in the Fall with all new University faculty and library liaisons.

Build, Preserve, and Provide Access to Rich and Diverse Collections

Institutional Repository.

  • Develop general content statement to clarify what content should be included in IR. (Fall 2015)

  • Advise Library IT on content in existing collections and identify what should be included in local repository.

  • Develop comprehensive collection development policy for IR.


  • Assess existing fund allocations. (Spring 2016)

  • Develop new allocations based on updated analysis of University research and teaching priorities, student population and demographics, and other information impacting the cost and availability of content. (Fall  2017)

  • Implement rational, data-driven, fund allocation procedure, including a methodology for ongoing review. (Summer 2018)

Coordination with subject groups.

  • Coordinate multidisciplinary purchases.

Collection Development Policy.

  • Review existing collection development policy and develop format and guidelines for new policy. (Spring 2016)

  • Begin working with selectors to revise collection development policy for their subject areas. (Spring 2016)

Expand ebook collections.

  • Select academic ebook subscription collection for one-year trial. (Fall 2015)

  • Work with selectors to develop patron-driven acquisitions (PDA) program in selected disciplines. (Fall 2015)


Develop Responsive Library Spaces for Diverse Communities

Virtual Space.

  • Develop and maintain web presence for Lead Selectors to be used to describe collection development operations and procedures; develop, maintain and publicize policies; and offer resources for faculty and students to make recommendations and provide feedback. (Fall 2017)

  • Develop online purchase recommendation form. (Fall 2017)


Foster an Innovative Culture of Learning and Assessment

Scholarly Communication.

  • Identify the role of the Lead Selectors Team in promoting and advancing Scholarly Communication.

Professional Growth.

  • Coordinate forums, webinars, invited speakers and other professional development activities.


  • Survey assessment tools and methodologies used by other ARL libraries, and develop plan to implement regular collection assessments. (Winter 2017)