Promote Academic Engagement
Develop innovative communication methods and marketing strategies to reach clients in labs and hospital departments.
- Attend meetings of departments and labs to talk about library services.
- Continue table outside cafeteria during lunch hour.
- Develop a brochure for HSL.
Implement training for all HSL staff in the unique needs of our faculty, students, researchers and clinicians as well in using our unique resources.
- Work with access services to offer training for student workers.
- Invite other units to vendor training sessions.
Create a virtual tour to enhance the physical tours offered by the SOM and others.
- Create a virtual tour using maps with library photos.
- Indicate quiet study areas and group study areas prominently.
- Links to the tour should be sent to all schools for inclusion on their websites.
Re-evaluate the HS reference desk model to make sure reference questions are being referred to librarians when needed.
- Relocate all librarians near the information desk.
- Assess questions being asked through LibAnalytics.
Evaluate all HSL Libguides and tutorials over the summer 2015 to make access to information about resources and services more accessible.
- Combine or remove unused guides.
- Provide clear pathways for getting help.
- Provide clear message about our services and who to contact.
Build, Preserve and Provide Access to Rich and Diverse Collections
Update the HSL collection and make it more accessible.
- Evaluate the HS collection and update materials to reflect equal coverage for all clients and include new areas of research.
- Move lower use materials to basement storage.
- Move frequently accessed materials from basement storage to the stacks for easier access.
- Update the reference collection and move older materials to storage.
- Move Index Medicus to the reference area.
- Create non-fiction reading area with new books located in the reference section.
- Update collection development procedures and policies.
- Create an online form for suggesting new resources and materials.
Develop Responsive Library Spaces for Diverse Communities
Optimize study space in the Health Sciences Library, which is heavily used by students.
- Create a plan to optimize study space to preserve quiet space while keeping sufficient space for group study.
- Evaluate the space for the possibility of adding quiet study rooms.
- Develop a plan for better, more reliable evening and weekend coverage and for extended hours so that student assistants have access to library staff in case of problems.
- Create an ongoing plan for budget and staffing to continue the 24 X 7 service during finals.
- Evaluate existing furniture needs and plan to replace broken chairs and add additional seating.
Foster an Innovative Culture of Learning and Assessment
Professional Development
- Provide increased professional development programs for staff.
- Evaluate staffing and create recommendations/justification for adding additional librarians and/or staff.
- Provide cross-training for staff.
Communication and Workflow
- Develop a channel for communication of policies and procedures between East and West campus.
- Optimize workflows between libraries.