Introduction to EBSCOhostEBSCOhost is the provider of a number of databases, including Academic Search Complete, America: History & Life, Education Research Complete, Gender Studies, MLA International Bibliography, PsycINFO, etc. This tutorial provides an overview of the search interface.
My EBSCOhost FoldersThis tutorial covers using a MyEBSCO account to organize research and make your findings easily accessible when working on multiple computers. The account also allows you to save searches and create journal and search alerts.
ScienceDirect: Volume/Issue AlertsA Volume/Issue Alert notifies you by email when a new volume of a book or a new issue of journal becomes available on ScienceDirect.
Web of Science TutorialsProvides recorded tutorials on various topics, such as: Search Tips, Cited Reference Searching, Citation Reporting and the H-Index, Citation Alerts, etc.
Humanities Database Tutorials
JSTOR TutorialsProvides a list of JSTOR tutorials such as How to Search JSTOR, Keeping up: Alerts in JSTOR, 19th Century British Pamphlets, and more.