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Stony Brook University


Resources for Research in History

Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar will search the open web for a range of academic content from articles to book chapters to conference presentations. It will not offer the same amount of full text or the searching control that the library's databases do, but it can be a good starting point to begin to develop your research.

No matter what, there are two steps you can take to make your Google Scholar use more effective:

  1. Add links to the library's full text of articles
  2. Enable export of citations from Google Scholar to EndNote

Link to Full Text

You can connect Google Scholar to the libraries databases so that search results include full text links where available.

1. Choose "Settings" from the upper left hand menu of Google Scholar.



2. Choose "Library Links" and search for "Stony Brook". Make sure you mark the check box, and then click "save".



3. In your search results, you will now see a FullText@StonyBrook option that will link you into our databases if the full text is available.



You can enable Google Scholar to export citations to EndNote through a few simple steps.

1.Choose "Settings" from the upper left hand menu of Google Scholar.


2. At the bottom of the Settings page--Bibliography Manager, change the default to Show links to import citations into EndNote 


3. Save the Settings

4. On the Google Scholar search results page, you can click the "Import into EndNote" link under each reference to download and open the reference into EndNote.