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CELT Panel Discussion on Accessibility and Recognizing Invisible Disabilities
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CELT Panel Discussion on Accessibility and Recognizing Invisible Disabilities
Ableism in Academia : theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education
Leigh, Jennifer, editor.; Brown, Nicole, editor. 2020
Lived experiences of ableism in academia : strategies for inclusion in higher education
Brown, Nicole, editor.; JSTOR (Organization). 2021
Academic Articles
Guidelines to Establish an Office of Student Accessibility Services in Higher Education Institutions
Mendoza-González, Ricardo ; Luján-Mora, Sergio ; Otón-Tortosa, Salvador ; Sánchez-Gordón, Mary ; Rodríguez-Díaz, Mario Alberto ; Reyes-Acosta, Ricardo Emmanuel. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 2022-03, Vol.14 (5), p.2635
The subjective experiences of students with invisible disabilities at a historically disadvantaged university
Afr J Disabil. 2022; 11: 932. Published online 2022 Jun 10. doi: 10.4102/ajod.v11i0.932
College Students with Invisible Illnesses and Disabilities: Disclosure, Hiding, and Support
College Student Affairs Journal, Volume 40(2), pp.121 - 135
When what is unseen does not exist: disclosure, barriers and supports for students with invisible disabilities in higher education
Anabel Moriña. Disability & Society. 2022
Making the Invisible Visible: Let's Discuss Invisible Disabilities
ERIC. Goodwin, Michael Edward. HAPS Educator, spec iss p62-73 Aug 2020
Supporting Students with Invisible Disabilities: A Scoping Review of Postsecondary Education for Students with Mental Illness or an Acquired Brain Injury
Venville, Annie ; Mealings, Margaret ; Ennals, Priscilla ; Oates, Jennifer ; Fossey, Ellie ; Douglas, Jacinta ; Bigby, Christine. International journal of disability, development, and education, 2016-11, Vol.63 (6), p.571-592
The lived experience of students with an invisible disability at a Canadian university
Mullins, Laura ; Preyde, Michèle. Disability & society, 2013-03, Vol.28 (2), p.147-160
Service-Connected Disability: Belongingness, Access, and Quality of Life for Student Veterans
Albanesi, Heather Powers ; Morris, Phillip A ; Cassidy, Steven P. Journal of postsecondary education and disability (Print), 2022-09, Vol.35 (3), p.189
Speaking Up: A Model of Self-Advocacy for STEM Undergraduates with ADHD and/or Specific Learning Disabilities
Pfeifer, Mariel A. ; Reiter, Eve Melanie ; Hendrickson, McKenna ; Stanton, Julie Dangremond. International journal of STEM education, 2020-07, Vol.7 (1), p.1-21, Article 33
University Life with ASD: Faculty Knowledge and Student Needs
Zeedyk, Sasha M ; Bolourian, Yasamine ; Blacher, Jan. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 2019-04, Vol.23 (3), p.726-736
College Students with Disabilities' Motivation to Utilize Disability Support Services: A Qualitative Investigation
O'Shea, Amber ; Meyer, Rachel H. Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 2016-03, Vol.29 (1), p.5
Online Articles, Blog Posts, and Opinion Pieces
Disability and Higher Education: “But You Don’t Look Disabled": Legitimizing Invisible Disabilities
United Nations. Academic Impact.
Learning to Live With Disability in Grad School
Inside Higher Ed. Zachary Clary. 2023.
The Civil Rights of Students with Hidden Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
U.S. Department of Education. Office for Civil Rights
The Road to Higher Education With an 'Invisible Disability'
The Atlantic. Laura Castañeda
Creating Safe and Supportive Campus Climates for Individuals with Invisible Disabilities
Insight Into Diversity. By Ginger O'Donnell - May 16, 2019.
What to Know About Invisible Disabilities
NEA Today. Brenda Álvarez. 2021