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Stony Brook University

Progress Update 2016 - Stony Brook University Library Strategic Design 2015 - 2018, Library Technology


The Library Information Technology department supports the mission of the University Libraries by providing robust technology to facilitate search, discovery, and access to knowledge; by producing open access scholarly collections through digitization and repository services; by enhancing productivity through reliable enterprise systems; and by exploring innovative initiatives for advancement. 


Library Information Technology department will provide the technology systems, tools, expertise and services to advance Stony Brook University Libraries as a leading research library.

Guiding Principles with Goals

Promote Academic Engagement​
Aggressively promote and support open access as the preferred mode of scholarly communication. Engage faculty, researchers, clinicians, and students in all facets of open access.

  • Lead efforts for university wide adoption of a faculty open access policy by fall 2015.
    • Collaborated with SBU University Senate Research Committee to draft an SBU Open Access Policy

      • Received unanimous support of the Senate Research Committee

      • Shared with the University Senate for discussion and vote Fall 2016

  • Launch the Center for Scholarly Communication by fall 2015.  Host workshops and other events to promote awareness of open access initiatives and mandates.
  • Implement a scholarly repository to collect, organize, manage, and share scholarly output at Stony Brook  University.
    • Academic Commons furthers the engagement mission of the University by providing a platform from which the global community can benefit from the scholarly output of Stony Brook University

    • Works in Academic Commons are: freely accessible online, regularly backed up, easily discoverable via search engines, and assigned a permanent URL so they can always be found

    • Features include: usage reports for contributors, supports multimedia content, displays use in real-time, collection feeds

  • Implement a data repository to acquire, disseminate, and preserve research data.
    • Academic Commons implemented and available for data repository.  However, need more faculty buy-in on this concept since some of them  expressed hesitation on making their data open access
  • Collaborate with Library Liaisons group to promote and encourage faculty participation in open access initiatives.
    • Leading an active session at the 2016 Liaison Retreat to introduce liaisons to Academic Commons, assign them discipline-specific admin roles

Provide technology tools and expertise to support multiple modes of teaching and learning.

  • Support faculty needs to embed library resources into learning management systems.  Explore and implement new tools to streamline the process of embedding library resources and services into learning management systems (for example, EBSCO’s Curriculum Builder).
    • Work with Open SUNY Institutional Readiness campus wide committee to establish UL action items to support online learning

    • Planning for Curriculum Builder implementation

  • Encourage and support librarians to develop more dynamic and interactive online teaching tools (tutorials, research guides, mobile apps, chat, etc.).
    • Acquired software applications such as Camtasia, Adobe Suite, and Articulate Storyline for librarians to develop online multimedia tutorials.  

    • Established dedicated workstation for multimedia creation

    • Update equipment and re-establish a laptop loan program for librarians

  • Develop the Library’s presence in the mobile environment; explore emerging technologies that can be used to enhance teaching and learning of library’s resources.
    • Embed Library’s resources in West Campus Ipad program

    • Library committee to develop mobile app.  Investigated Boopsie but was too costly.  Working on in-house development

Outreach to faculty to increase their awareness of library resources and services, and develop their skills on integrating these resources and services into teaching and research.

  • Identify and offer faculty workshops on library technology.
    • Workshops conducted on Open Access, Open Education, Discovery services, and other areas

    • Coordinated and planned major Open Access symposium at SBU in 2015. This will be an annual event.

    • Venues for workshops - Library workshop series/CSC, Library Colloquium, TLT Online Learning Symposium, eetc.

  • Actively participate in new faculty orientation; ensure that new faculty are on board with library technology.
    • Presented at the Fall 2015 New Faculty Orientation
  • Provide technology support for faculty using library resources for unique and innovative teaching and research.
    • Develop/suggest discovery strategies to support innovative teaching and research for individual faculty
  • Explore partnerships with academic units to establish digital centers that integrate the use of special collections, such as Digital Humanities and Digital Music Labs.
    • Collaborating with faculty on digital projects to enhance teaching and research, including Oral History Project (Asian and Asian American Studies), Digital Video Archives (Africana Studies Department),
      Digitized Maps (Anthropology and History)


Build, Preserve, and Provide Access to Rich and Diverse Collections
Promote, foster, and support open access to SBU’s intellectual content and unique collections.

  • Deploy a scholarly repository by fall 2015.  Develop policies and procedures for the repository, and promote and encourage faculty to deposit scholarly works.
    • Works in Academic Commons are: freely accessible online, regularly backed up, easily discoverable via search engines, and assigned a permanent URL so they can always be found

    • Features include: usage reports for contributors, supports multimedia content, displays use in real-time, collection feeds

  • Continue to develop the institutional repository to facilitate access to university archives and special collections.  Upgrade IR platform by spring 2016. 
    • Acquired Shared Shelf platform to host and promote digital collections, and streamline metadata workflow

    • Developing Omeka platform to support digital collections; primary use for enhanced user interfaces for access to collections

    • Investigating DSpace upgrade

  • Build expertise and implement technological platform to collect, manage, and preserve SBU’s research data; have an established data repository by 2016.
    • Academic Commons implemented and available for data repository.  However, need more faculty buy-in on this concept since some of them  expressed hesitation on making their data open access
  • Solicit, acquire, and manage projects to digitize special collections and reformat multimedia content for online delivery.  Seek external funding to support digital projects.  Facilitate access to born digital content.
    • Current  digital projects with faculty/departments to enhance teaching and research -

      • Oral History Project (Asian and Asian American Studies)

      • Digital Video Archives (Africana Studies Department)

      • Digitized Maps (Anthropology and History)

    • Current external digital projects (with funding) - Max Fink Digital Collection

    • Proposed digital archives for Ward Melville Heritage Organization (grant proposal)

Enhance discoverability and increase awareness of all collections.

  • Provide reliable and efficient search tools for optimal user experience.  Support ERMS group to update EBSCO discovery tool to better align with OPAC, databases, and repositories.
    • Implemented Full Text Finder

    • Ongoing collaboration between LibraryIT and ERMS to support and enhance discovery services

    • Continue to work with EBSCO to improve discovery services

  • Promote collections through website, social media, and digital signage.  Develop digital exhibits to promote special collections; launch digital exhibit platform (Omeka) in fall 2015.
    • Collaborate with librarians to actively promote collections through various outlets

    • Omeka platform still being developed with thematic designs for digital collections

  • Foster the development of new tools to enhance information research, such as mobile apps, bookmarklet, research guides, etc.
    • Team of Library IT staff and students working on developing a mobile app
  • Seek partnerships with other institutions to share and promote collections.  Participate as active members with open repositories and digital collection gateways.
    • Established partnerships with other organizations to enhance discoverability; DPLA, NY Heritage, DLF, and working on HathiTrust membership

Facilitate access to appropriate technologies for Library faculty and staff to build, assess, and preserve collections.

  • Provide a library management system that’s modern, robust, and meet the needs of Library staff to acquire, describe, and enhance discoverability of collections.
    • Continue active discussions with SUNY ILS Review Group to select and decide on timeline for the next generation library management system

    • Recently coordinated a webinar on Alma to join in discussions of a shared SUNY-wide ILS

    • Existing Aleph is a priority for upgrade within the next FY
  • Streamline collection data extraction and report generation processes to better meet demands. Increase number of staff with skill set to collect, analyze, and interpret data.  Implement and support collection analysis tools.
    • Collaborating with Data Policy Working Group to investigate new tools to manage data extraction and reporting

    • Continue to articulate data reporting from Aleph and EBSCO Admin
  • Provide and support technology needs for preservation of collections.
    • Ongoing discussions with Collection Strategy and Management to implement digital preservation tools.


Develop Responsive Library Spaces for Diverse Communities
Embed an array of technology into physical spaces to create the 21st century library that meets the demands of a diverse user population.

  • Align technology with physical spaces and furnishing to support Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Provide adequate resources, such as power outlets, charging stations, and robust wi-fi to sustain and encourage the use of personal devices.
    • Worked with Library Renovation Design Team and DoIT to integrate technology in the new NRR.  Continue planning discussions for CRR and other Library spaces, such as Music Library.

  • Create technology enriched study spaces and group study rooms to support collaborative learning and social networking. 
    • Technology enriched study rooms are already in place at NRR with plans for more rooms in CRR.
  • Foster engaged learning by creating Active Learning Spaces; allow for experimentation with innovative products.
    • Need to continue discussions and collaborate with Emerging Technologies Librarian on the possibility of integrating Active Learning Spaces in the Library.  Also, work with DoIT on encouraging use of the existing Innovation Lab active learning space.
  • Ensure availability of assistive and adaptive technology for users who require them. 
    • Currently serving on campuswide ADA Technology Committee; discussing strategies to integrate ADA technology into student spaces

    • Renovation Design Team is working with Disability Support Services to design ADA compliant spaces.

Improve and expand virtual spaces to bring the library to its users.

  • Develop and maintain a dynamic website that serves as a virtual gateway to the Libraries.
    • Ongoing website updates; developed sites for STEM and Scholarly Communication.  

    • Currently working on a website redesign and a new Staffweb platform

  • Support library faculty on embedding resources and services into the university’s learning management system.
    • Worked with Open SUNY Institutional Readiness campus wide committee to establish UL action items to support online learning

    • Planning for Curriculum Builder implementation

    • Plan for more training and technology support with the Library Liaison Group
  • Continue to develop the Libraries’ presence in mobile and web 2.0 environments.
    • Ensure web designs are responsive

    • Team of Library IT staff and students working on developing a mobile app
  • Facilitate testing and integration of emerging technologies into library spaces to meet user needs.
    • Plan to work closely with Emerging Technologies Librarian on various initiatives
  • Sustain a digital infrastructure that’s easily adaptable to changing technologies, users research needs, and disruptive innovations.
    • Migrated (and rebuilt) ALL Library servers to a more stable and virtual environment

    • Planning for upgrades to various platforms, including Aleph and DSpace

Create new and develop existing technology spaces to enable faculty and staff to carry out the mission and goals of the Library.

  • Communicate upgrades and enhancements for library classrooms to appropriate campus IT units.
    • Complete redesign of classrooms are included in current renovation

    • Technology needs for classrooms have been communicated with DoIT; proposed upgrades are new workstations, new projection systems, and laptops and synced AV feed for NRR classroom.
  • Complete implementation of the Center for Scholarly Communication by fall 2015.  Promote and use the Center for library workshops, events, and in-house staff development activities.
    • A space for events; workshops; library meetings, training and work
  • Establish the current digital lab as a Digital Production Center to move forward the Library’s digitization efforts as a core operation and essential service.
    • Upgraded the Lab with new workstations and a new high quality scanner

  • Ensure that staff work spaces are equipped with access to adequate hardware and software.
    • Assumed management of all HSL staff equipment and EBM room.  Established workflows and collaboration with Medicine IT

    • Upgraded staff workstations as needed.  Ensured all staff are working with computers that meet the University’s recommended specs.  Established workflows with DoIT’s Client Support


Foster an Innovative Culture of Learning and Assessment
Support and encourage an organizational culture that foster technology as a necessary part of the job.

  • Provide ongoing staff training on library technology.
  • Implement a reliable and efficient support system for staff related technology issues.  Establish a help ticketing system by 2016 to add to the channels of communicating library IT issues. Streamline and foster open communication among various campus IT units to facilitate timely and responsive support. 
  • Facilitate and provide appropriate technology to support professional development activities and events such as forums, symposia, etc.
  • Deliver tools that enhance library faculty and staff communication, collaboration, and information dissemination. Develop, promote and train staff on use of StaffWeb or similar intranet.  

Investigate, test, implement and train staff on new and innovative technologies.

  • Encourage Library faculty and staff participation on technology planning, implementation, and assessment process.
  • Investigate and deploy systems that achieve efficient and cost-effective work processes. Enhance/upgrade current library management system (Aleph) with more standardized and consolidated workflow processes among all Library units.

Actively collaborate and participate with leading organizations and other research libraries to maximize these relationships.

  • Exchange ideas with peer institutions through ongoing collaboration.
  • Explore new memberships and continue to be active members with open source organizations.
  • Foster partnerships with digital collections gateways such as DPLA and NY Heritage.

Support a climate of assessment with appropriate technology tools.

  • Provide and/or assist with technology platforms to design and deliver assessment tools, such as Blackboard, Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, and collection analysis tools.
  • Work with all library units on creative and efficient methods for data gathering and analysis.