Promote Academic Engagement
Strategically engage with all aspects of academic enterprise.
- Organize meetings with new faculty.
- Creation of departmental newsletters
- New Faculty lunch
- One-one-one meetings, off-campus meetings
- Creation of new faculty tool kit
- Library tours
- Attend departmental events, presentations, seminars, and cultural programs.
- Faculty meetings, receptions, faculty talks, graduate student events, invited speakers, dissertation/thesis defenses, colloquiums,
- SBU departmental graduations
- Interdisciplinary research group events (Humanities Institute, etc.)
- Integrate into curriculum development activities.
- Active participation on curriculum committees
- Embedded instruction
- co-teaching opportunities
- Collaboration with campus units
- Instruction/reference with student-athletes
- Seek opportunities to collaborate with faculty on research, embedded instruction, projects, and grants.
- SBLOD grant,
- University Libraries Writers' Series
- WISE survey (forthcoming)
- Efforts to increase faculty awareness of research opportunities
- Personal librarian program with honors course
- Women's History Month
- Digital Humanities Open Mic
- School of Journalism data analysis
Promote services and expertise
- Make research services more visible and impactful across campus by developing LibGuides and increasing outreach efforts.
- Creation of new LibGuides
- On-site reference in Humanities and SBS
- Writing Center collaborations
- SPD digital badge
- WRDS training
- Electronic Notebook and other specialized workshops
- Promote open access publishing opportunities, and open access resources and platforms through workshops, events, LibGuides, and directly with faculty.
- Scholarly Communication Roadshow
- Open and Free Education at SBU
- Open Access Week
- Liaisons deposited research in the Academic Commons
Assess engagement activities
- Begin to develop assessment planning protocols and strategies.
- Conversations with Writing & Rhetoric and Undergraduate Colleges on developing assessment tools,
- Utilize tools and data for assessment.
- Online Q Course assessment
- SPD digital badge development
- LibInsight Instruction & Liaison Form
- HSL Qualtrics Instruction & Liaison Form
- Use information literacy assessment data to demonstrate library impact on university achievement and student performance.
- Formation of Data Policy Group to determine use of assessment tools
Explore a variety of methods of engaging with faculty and students through diversified instructional activities.
- Develop creative and innovative delivery methods for library sessions and workshops.
- A total of 590 of AE events
- A total of 9505 participants
- A total of 529 teaching hours
- Use of Adobe Connect to instruct
- Creation of Camtasia tutorials
- Use of for training
- Work toward becoming fully integrated into the SBU curriculum.
- Embedded instruction
- Undergraduate College
- Honors College
- Create a strong presence on Blackboard, LibGuides, and other university instructional tools and platforms.
- Q Course
- Updates to Libraries' page
- Links from departmental webpages to library resources
- University-wide online education committee,
- Use the flexible spaces and furniture of the public areas to innovate with models of research services and teaching.
- New instruction lab
- Renovation of classrooms A&B
- Student tours of renovation
- North Reading Room and Central Reading Room redesign
Build, Preserve and Provide Access to Rich and Diverse Collections
Promote institutional repository
- Promote IR and communicate related resources to university community.
- Liaisons deposited research in the Academic Commons
- Scholarly Communication Roadshow
- PRELEC Lecture & Open Access Symposium
- Scholarly Communication Center and webpage
Promote collections
- Create awareness of subject-specific library resources.
- Course integrated instruction
- Specialized workshops
- Trials
Develop Responsive Library Spaces for Diverse Communities
Conduct space assessments
- Conduct user surveys to identify collection, service, and space needs.
- Feedback form on new furniture
- Focus group with students on renovation outcomes
- Comments page on website
- Music Library Survey
Reinvent library space to enhance user experience
- Plan and design physical spaces to meet users' needs with flexible furniture choices and technology features.
- Renovation of NRR, CRR, and classrooms A&B
- New instruction lab,
- Scholarly Communications Center
- Special Collections Seminar Room
- New group study rooms and collaborative spaces
- Re-define public service points to optimize user experience.
- Consolidated information desk in NRR,
- Invest in virtual presence: develop website, repository interface, social media and digital signage.
- STEM website
- Scholarly Communication website
- Digital Signage
- Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Blog
Promote library presence
- Establish consistent messaging university-wide.
- Social media working group in place.
- Develop marketing plan to promote library.
- Social Media working group in place.
Foster an Innovative Culture of Learning and Assessment
Raise profile of library faculty
- Develop a culture of research.
- Research & Writing Group
- Data gathered on library faculty research projects
- University Libraries Colloquium Series
- Recent publications displayed on Faculty Profiles
- Investigate library’s role in teaching SPD library science courses.
- Faculty collaboration on integrating SBU librarians into library science curriculum,
- Build network with regional graduate library programs.
- New internship policy created
- Key regional library programs identified for recruitment
- Institute faculty development opportunities related to academic engagement and liaison librarianship.
- University Libraries Colloquium Series
- University Libraries Writers' Series
- Open Access Week
- Women's History Month
- Digital Humanities Open Mic
- Commit to interdepartmental learning by attending academic department symposia and events.
- Faculty meetings, receptions, faculty talks, graduate student events, invited speakers, dissertation/thesis defenses
- colloquiums/symposiums
Enhance knowledge sharing across library
- Create forum for knowledge-sharing.
- University Libraries Colloquium Series,
- Open Houses
- Improv workshop
- In-house trainings (by SBU librarians and outside professionals)
- Retreats
- Collaborate on interdisciplinary research projects.
- WISE working group
- STEM group
- Research & Writing group
- Co-authorship & co-presenter projects